This is an adjustable height toolpost for use on a Watchmakers Lathe Slide Rest. The body and adjusting ring are made of Stressproof steel for long lasting durability, with a blackened finish.
This toolpost takes 1/8" and 3/16" conventional toolbits, or square gravers. The adjustment range will accommodate both 9mm and 10mm tool heights (measured from top of slide rest to center of lathe spindle).
The next to the last photo shows the toolpost mounted on a Derbyshire Slide Rest (10mm tool height). The last photo shows the toolpost mounted on an HR Slide Rest (9mm tool height).
The T-nut fits most American made Slide Rests, but may need be filed to fit for some. I can make a custom size if requested and given accurate dimensions.
The first two photos show currently provided socket head capscrews for clamping the bit. The headless socket screws shown in other photos are no longer used.
Two hex wrenches are included (not pictured). The mounted toolbits are for an example mounting, but *are not* included. They are available from all major machine tool companies. Links available on request.

This is in new manufacture... made in the USA.
Please email if any additional information or photos are needed.
Watchmaker Adjustable Height Toolpost --- Uses 1/8" to 3/16" Toolbits
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